En general, cambie la arena del gato una vez cada 1-2 semanas y limpie y desinfecte la caja de arena una vez cada 1-2 meses.
Como las heces son antihigiénicas, es más fácil que alberguen bacterias. Es fácil crear un riesgo para la salud de la piel, los intestinos, etc. de su gato.
While the general cycle remains basically the same, many variables require us to increase the frequency or reduce it appropriately
Summer temperatures will be higher, and bacteria breed faster, so it is recommended to change more frequently and change more than a week, cleaning about a month
2⃣️Litter caja
If the litter box is closed, the air will not be able to circulate easily, and bacteria will grow faster, so it is recommended that the litter box be changed once a week or so. There are also semi-closed litter boxes that are easy to leave in the joints, so cleaning and disinfecting them once a month or so is recommended.
3⃣️ Situación de la excreción
If the cat has recently been uncomfortable, excreted more, or has a bad smell, a timely cleanup is needed. Speed up the rhythm of sand change to avoid bacterial residue
4⃣️Cat estado de la yacija
Si la arena para gatos es más propensa a calcificarse, también deberá aumentar con ella la frecuencia de cambio de la arena. Así que elegir una buena arena para gatos es muy importante.

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