Shovelers who have cats have more or less had the experience that just after cleaning the cat litter, the cat has to jump in and make a poop. Veterinarian Xiaoming’s studio friend is described this way, every morning, when shoveling cat litter, they will regularly run over a blue cat, cat litter just shoveled; the blue cat will jump in to leave a pile of poop and then bury to leave almost every day.
Although not all cats will have this habit, this small action can hide a lot of meowing stars’ minds, maybe the following 3 reasons:

1. The cat’s sense of territory
Cats are very sensitive to environmental factors; there was a 16-year-old cat in Canada just because the dog passed by the door of its yard, it would not hesitate to fight with the dog; the last cat also overcame seven Pitbulls, it is because it feels that its territory has been violated, I have to say that the cat is also a tough role ah.
The owner’s behavior of cleaning up the cat litter will also make the cat feel that it is invading its territory, so the cat can’t wait to leave its smell or feces in this territory. Sometimes, during the owner’s cleanup, the cat can’t resist jumping in to use the fresh litter box, marking the scope of their territory to prevent other cats from invading.
2. 고양이는 청결에 대한 페티쉬가 있습니다.
고양이는 약간 청결광이라고 할 정도로 타고난 청결 동물입니다. 고양이 화장실이 냄새가 심하거나 배설물이 너무 많은 등 이미 더러워져 있다면, 고양이는 배변에 대한 거부감을 느끼고 배변을 계속 참게 됩니다. 주인이 쓰레기통을 청소하면 고양이는 자연스럽게 쓰레기통에 들어가 배변을 할 수 있습니다.

3. 고양이의 호기심
The cat’s curiosity is also very heavy; the owner of the activities can not help but want to participate; when you see the owner with a small shovel litter, the cat may be curious about what the owner is doing, especially some kittens will have been staring at the owner to see when the owner cleaned up will immediately jump in to see how the situation inside.
But sometimes, there is an opposite situation where a cat doesn’t like to defecate in the litter box, and it could be for the following reasons:

- 1. 고양이의 스트레스 반응
There are many stress reactions in cats, such as loud scares, environmental changes, etc., which will cause cats to change their mood and behavior. They will change their eating habits, defecation habits, appetite loss, vomiting, aggressive behavior, and so on.
2. 고양이의 생리적 또는 심리적 질병
Physiological: Cats suffering from gastrointestinal diseases, cystitis, constipation, and other diseases may defecate anywhere.
심리적: 주인이 고양이에게 장기간 차갑게 대하거나, 고양이를 꾸짖거나, 새로운 가족 구성원 등을 만나면 고양이는 불안과 배변 장애를 겪게 됩니다.
3. 고양이 쓰레기통이 제때 교체되지 않았습니다.
주인이 고양이 화장실을 제때 청소하지 않거나 고양이 화장실을 혼잡하고 시끄러운 곳에 두면 고양이가 고양이 화장실에서 화장실에 가기를 꺼려하게 됩니다. - 4. 고양이는 고양이 쓰레기에 적응하지 않습니다.
It may be that the cat does not like the smell and texture of the cat litter and will refuse to go to the toilet. Owners should also pay attention when changing the cat to a new litter, gradually mixing the old litter together to replace it. Still, it is recommended that you do not change the litter easily and don’t change it if you are used to one kind. Otherwise, it will be difficult for the cat to adapt.

- Veterinarian Xiaoming suggests that if you have several cats, you should prepare a corresponding number of litter boxes for them (or one more), as cats don’t like other cats to use their litter boxes.
Well, the above is about some of the secrets of the cat toilet; the most important thing for cats is to eat and defecate; owners usually have to do a good job of disinfecting and sterilizing cat living utensils. Oh, nothing to do while the sun is good to bask in the cat’s nest is also a good choice!